Words To Live By
Though “word art” has its own funny connotations of wine mom decor, there’s plenty of simple, sophisticated sayings and quotes that you can frame and hang to motivate or inspire you on the daily.
Getting Creative With Holiday Wreaths
We thought it would be fun this year, in the spiriting of stay-at-home friendly activities, to show you how we took a few festive frames and created our own unique holiday wreaths.
Gift Guide: Gift Picks For Creative Spirits
We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite holiday gift guide picks for creatives, from artistic books and custom framing to gallery frames and gallery walls galore.
Holiday Hygge - At Home For The Season
Explore some of our favorite artistic inspiration on how to create that special holiday hygge feeling, complete with lots of art and beautiful framing.
What Do You Do With Those Holiday Family Photos?
From gallery walls to photo frame displays, we’re exploring the best way to continue to love those family holiday photos from our Chicago frame shop.
Artist Q&A: Hiroshi Ariyama
Explore a Q&A with Chicago artist Hiroshi Ariyama whose screen prints are available in our online art shop.
Snapshot: Framing During A Pandemic
What people are framing is a snapshot of the cultural moment. So what have the lockdowns of 2020 unveiled about our framing psyches? Lots of time at home has everyone upping their games.
Fresh Finds For Fall
Not just photo frames (though we certainly have plenty of those!) the #afsonlineshop includes everything from local art, to puzzles to Chicago-centric pencils and greeting cards.
An Exquisite Project - Apart-istsframe
Explore how our artistic framing consultants completed an exquisite corpse surrealist drawing game while quarantining at home this spring.
Artist Spotlight: Shawn Michael Warren
We put the spotlight on Chicago artist, Shawn Michael Warren, who we were paired with at Artists Frame Service - River North for Designs for Dignity’s Art for Dignity program - a demonstration of support for racial justice and social responsibility presented through art and visual expression.
Print + Frame: Explore FREE Art!
Explore free art that’s available to download for print and framing in the public domain, from Audubon prints to some of the most renowned museums.
How To Frame A Puzzle
Learn how to frame a puzzle and explore our Puzzle Framing Special to commemorate all those quarantine puzzles.
Welcome Back To Framing
If you missed our reopening framing offer news, every day in all of our Chicago frame shops you can find unique, enhanced selections at up to 70% off retail moulding prices.
At Home: Have Something You've Been Meaning To Frame?
Have something you’ve been meaning to frame? So do most people, we contend. Garner inspiration from recent customer projects that have inspired us.
At Home: Virtual Framing In Five Easy Steps
Sitting at home in quarantine looking at blank walls that need improvement? You’re not alone. Schedule a virtual framing appointment today to get those creative juices flowing.
Finding Color In 2020: Pantone's Color Of The Year
Explore blue custom framing projects that pay homage to Pantone’s Color Of The Year, Classic Blue.
What Is Conservation Framing?
Learn the five key things you need to know about conservation and preservation picture framing from our Chicago frame shop.
Art That Inspires
Share your favorite or most treasured piece of art in your home to inspire during the COVID-19 outbreak and be entered to win a $200 gift towards custom framing.
Sunday Outlet Sale Miracles!
Looking for cheap picture framing in Chicago, IL? Discover the miracles that can happen at our First Sunday Frame Outlet Sale.