Artist Spotlight: Shawn Michael Warren

This spring, we were thrilled to be asked to join up with Designs for Dignity (D4D) for their Art for Dignity program - an effort to bring greater attention to the ideals of equity, inclusion, empathy and empowerment.

Art for Dignity is a demonstration of support for racial justice and social responsibility presented through art and visual expression. River North businesses, like ours at #afsrivernorth, with boarded windows were invited to participate and partner with Chicago-area artists to bring this vision to life.

The boards are currently being auctioned off as a part of D4D’s 20th anniversary celebration. The proceeds will benefit Designs for Dignity, My Block, My Hood, My City, as well as the individual artists. Explore the auction here.

For Art for Dignity, we were paired with the talented Chicago artist, Shawn Michael Warren, whose mural of Charles White (which we decided to frame, of course!) is a definite showstopper. Below, we talk to Shawn about his start in the arts, his inspiration and what he’s working on next.  

How did you get your start in the arts and what drew you to the field?

I was drawn to art as a child, naturally, because of my mother. She was an artist in her younger years, but because her grandparents didn’t think it would be a sustainable career path, she ultimately chose a career in architecture/interior design. When she saw that I possessed the same skills and interest in art, she supported it. 

Your piece for the Art for Dignity auction is stunning! What led you to decide to do the portrait of Charles White? 

Charles White is one of my personal artistic idols, and he was the teacher of my mentor, Kent Twitchell - a legendary muralist. His work focused on black life in America during the eras of slavery to civil rights. His endeavors and work had a heavy influence on my art career.

Most of my work is meant to bring attention to narratives surrounding black lives, history and culture, and other underrepresented groups. If he were alive today, he would chronicle this current sociopolitical climate in America on canvas. This portrait was my way of honoring him, and his important work. 

What are you working on now?

Currently, I’m starting a public mural in West Loop, along with two artists: Anna Murphy and Jane Berthas. This will be one of the largest murals in Chicago once it’s completed. 

Lastly, as a native Chicagoan, what's your absolute favorite spot to visit in Chicago? 

That’s a tough one because there are numerous hidden gems here in the city. But I’ll say the Art Institute is at the top of my list!

Stay up-to-date with what Shawn’s working on by following him on Instagram @warrenart. And don’t miss your chance to own this amazing piece! Bidding for Art for Dignity is open through August 7.


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