Meet The Team - Michele

There's a lot of talk these days about "handcrafted goods." But custom framing is truly a handcrafted business - each hand working together to bring your art to life. In our Meet The Team series, we're offering a glimpse into the minds and personalities of the people behind the craft.

If you don't hear us say it enough, our team is amazing. The diverse collection of individuals, from framing consultants and fitting specialists to our delivery and installation team, all share an artistic sensibility but each with their own unique perspective. 

These expositions are part backstory and part just for fun (each person will also answer a few questions from the Proust questionnaire, a parlor game popularized by French novelist Marcel Proust who believed that answering these questions reveals an individual's true nature). It's our hope that through this series you'll forge a deeper connection with the makers behind the frame and learn a little more about how we do things at AFS. 

Up next: Highland Park manager Michele - an antique shop aficionado and foodie who has been framing so long her devoted customers have gone from framing their children's finger paintings to framing their children's college diplomas and wedding photos. 

What's your favorite part about working at Artists Frame Service?

Building relationships with customers is very rewarding. Having them put their trust in me is a great feeling. 

Who's your favorite artist?

Charles Rennie Mackintosh. He was an architect, designer and artist during the Art Nouveau era, which is one of my favorite art styles. Most people are familiar with his work in architecture and furniture design, but his drawings of flowers are what I love most amongst his work.

Do you have a top customer moment or favorite project you've worked on?

Years ago, I had a customer send me flowers to thank me for helping them with a framing project.  It was so unexpected and the memory has obviously stayed with me.

You're an antique shopping/flea market aficionado - any shopping tips for people on what to look for or avoid? 

If you see something you really want, don’t hesitate to buy it! It might be gone when you decide to go back and get it. Also, don’t be afraid to haggle.

What is your most treasured possession?

I have a matching pair of stained glass windows that make me very happy. They were just the perfect size, design and price. They are still in the original window casings and hang on a wall in my dining room.

Which talent would you most like to have?

I would like to have sewing/seamstress skills. Both of my grandmothers sewed. They made curtains, pillows and clothing. Not learning at least a little from them both was a missed opportunity.

Meet more of our team here, or come in and see us in person in Highland Park!


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