Find Your Perfect Frame: The Audubon Flamingo
In a unique way, the custom framing process is much like falling in love. You start with literally thousands of choices. You don’t know exactly what you want and along the way you’ll cycle through some good ones, some ok ones and some downright bad ones. But over time you learn and when you find “the one” - you’ll just know it.
In our new series, Find Your Perfect Frame, we’re exploring the journey that takes your piece from which one? to the one. This time around, we’re honing in on turning a classic Audubon print into an unforgettable flamingo moment.
But first, let’s take pause for a mini history lesson. John James Audubon was an American orthinologist (fancy name for someone who studies birds), naturalist (fancy name for someone who studies natural history) and painter whose seminal The Birds of America book helped identify 25 new species.
You’d probably recognize a good deal of these prints, many of which are available for free download. And if you need a good printer to get one of your favorites frame-ready, you know where to find us.
Now, back to the flamingo at hand. When a piece is this notable and well, pink, the framing could go in a number of different directions. Let’s explore.
For instance, a thick, wood grain and natural looking frame pays homage to its naturalist creator as well as offsets the bright whites and pinks of the print.
A somewhat similar feeling to the wood, the silver tinted frame on the far right adds a muted metallic moment. Framer’s tip: if you like the profile or feel of a certain frame, play around with different finishes and colors. With our vast selection, we often have the same line of frames available, but in a variety of different looks.
Or, you could keep it clean and simple. For instance, the white frame in the top left plays off the bright white matting choice.
But there’s something about that pink lady we can’t get out of our head. You can probably tell from its reappearance in every image - this was the one to beat.
And alas, it could not be beaten. Any of the choices would have made for a fantastic frame job, but something about the pink corner just made this speak in color to us. We love how the sheen of the frame sets off the crisp, white mat and the darker pink shade of the flamingo for a maximalist moment that somehow still feels simple and sophisticated.
Which frame would you have chosen? Come by and see us at any of our Chicagoland locations to let us know and get a flamingo of your very own.